Best Dental Treatment clinics in Austria

1 clinics found
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1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
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100% Patients recommended this clinic
Location: Vienna, Austria
International standard that describes the requirements for the quality management system of organizations and enterprises
IS0 9001
Neurology & Neurosurgery
Hematology Oncology
Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery
General Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Spine Surgery
Dental Treatment
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The testimonials on ClinicsonCall are from real people who have chosen to share their experiences with us. We appreciate their willingness to do so, but it's important to remember that these are individual stories and may not reflect everyone's experience.
We also believe in transparency. While we ensure all reviews are genuine, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every detail. Read more about it in our Reviews Policy.
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Airport/Hotel Transfer
Airport/Hotel Transfer
Interesting facts:
Year of first kidney transplantation
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schabus
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schabus
Specializations: Orthopaedic Work experience: 40 years
Consultation: $ 350
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz
Specializations: Orthopaedic Work experience: 50 years
Consultation: Price upon request
Prof. Dr. Paul Knobl
Prof. Dr. Paul Knobl
Specializations: Hematology Oncology Work experience: 20 years
Consultation: $ 350
Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielinski
Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielinski
Specializations: Oncology Work experience: 40 years
Consultation: $ 350
Jasmine Alicia

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My daughter had her angiosarcoma treated by Dr. Koestler. He is a very professional and experienced oncologist.
Brenda Parker

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New Zealand
After they told me that the waiting time for radiotherapy in Wellington is nearly 6 months, my sister found this excellent doctor at the Vienna Private Clinic. Dr. Kuczer arranged a Zoom call and explained everything very clearly. He was very nice and patient with my questions. In the end I got high precision radiotherapy at the clinic there. I feel good and the last MRI at home showed that the tumor is shrinking. The procedure was successful and I am very happy I went to Vienna for it.

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She underwent repeated mammoplasty at the Vienna Private Clinic. Finally, I can not be ashamed of my breasts. It is a pity that the first time I came across a completely incompetent doctor.
Wika Ben

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I went to Weiner Privatklinik for a neck lift. Their clinic is amazing, and the staff is cooperative. I was satisfied with the results.
Egor, 43 y.o.

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

I went to the Wiener Private Clinic for rhinoseptoplasty. Since I had been troubled by breathing problems for a long time and needed an operation, I consulted a doctor and decided to immediately correct the hump on my nose after the fracture. Everything went well, I am pleased with the result, and I am especially pleased with the opportunity to breathe normally again and forget about the drops.
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Most popular dental treatment clinics in Austria

Wiener Privatklinik
Wiener Privatklinik
Vienna, Austria