Best Basalioma Doctors in Spain
Dr. Leire Arbea Moreno
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy
3 reviews
Dr. Leire Arbea Moreno is an expert in Radiation Oncology. Her main area of interest is the treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary tumors. She has the expertise of more than 25 years in her field. She is also associated with the research programs related to radiology.
Educational background
- Dr. Leire Arbea Moreno completed a bachelor's in medicine from the University of Navarra in Spain.
- She completed her specialization in radiation oncology from the same institute.
- She got the title of master in molecular oncology CINO research center.
Professional career
- Dr. Leire Arbea Moreno is currently amongst the leading radiation oncologists at the Navarra hospital.
- She is amongst the senior professors of modern technological applications in radiation oncology at the Navarra hospital.
- Dr. Leire has been associated with the organization of the medical education sector at the University of Navarra.
- She is a member of prestigious societies and organizations like ALIANZA group, SEORGI.
Awards and Publications
- Dr. Leire is the writer of 25+ research papers published in national and international scientific journals.
- She has co-written 10 chapters of specialized books.
- She has also received the award of best teaching practice from the Lilly medical education chair.
- She also received an award for her thesis on IMRT radiotherapy.
Consultation $ 350