Best Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) doctors in Spain

Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna

Clinic Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid Specializations: Oncology, General Surgery Experience: 35 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna is the leader of the Urology Department at Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital. Dr. José is an expert in his field, working in laparoscopic medical procedures, microsurgery and robotic surgery.

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Consultation $ 351

Reviews of Doctors Performing Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) in Spain

Review for José Manuel Rodríguez Luna
Bowel Cancer | Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid
Scott Holland

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Turkey :
I highly recommend Dr. José Manuel Rodriguez Luna from Quiron Hospital of Madrid. He treated my bowel cancer, and I am very happy with the results. 
Review for José Manuel Rodríguez Luna
Breast Cancer | Quironsalud Teknon Medical Center

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Israel :
Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna treated my wife for her breast cancer. I must say what an exceptional specialist he is!! He treated my wife with extreme care and dedication. I am extremely grateful for his efforts.
Review for José Manuel Rodríguez Luna
Nephrectomy | Kidney Cancer | Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, USA:
I went to Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna with the advice and insistence of my friend.  I am 79 years old.  I underwent surgery for my kidney tumor removal. Dr.Jose is a competent person who gives confidence with his interest and knowledge from the beginning. The surgery I had in Quironsalud Hospital took about half an hour.  From the very beginning, the interest of the doctor, other staff, and the hospital were high. Thanks to everyone who was involved in my treatment.
Review for José Manuel Rodríguez Luna
Endoscopy | Bowel Cancer | Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Turkey :
I'm 35 years old. I'm a teacher. I met Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna in the first week of September 2020, with my friend's recommendation. He made my diagnosis at the first examination. He said that I had to have surgery because the urinary incontinence was at a very advanced stage. His suggestions and confidence in the first examination and meeting were admirable. I underwent surgery at Quironsalud Hospital on September 27. The surgery went well, thank goodness. For two days, I stayed in the hospital with the catheter stuck in the urinary tract for 20 days. However, now I am much better. I will definitely recommend Dr. Jose to everyone.


How can I get an online consultation with Doctors in Spain?

You can get an online consultation with Doctors Abroad by sending a request on ClinicsonCall’s website. Our Medical Coordinators will get back to you and discuss your medical query. Next you will have to share your medical documents and pay the consultation fee (which varies depending on the doctor’s specialty, expertise and country). The schedule for your appointment will then be shared with you.

Who are the top Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctors in Spain?

ClinicsonCall Specialists have ranked the top 1 Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctors in Spain based on their expertise, treatment success rates and patient testimonials. Here’s a list of the top 1 Doctors Abroad:
  • Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna

What are the factors that I should consider before selecting a Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctor in Spain?

There are many factors that can help you in deciding which doctor is best for you. Here’s a list of the most common factors that you should consider before finalizing your decision:
  • Experience of the doctor
  • Fluency in languages
  • Treatment success rate
  • Educational Background
  • Professional Career
  • Treatment Techniques

    Which are the best Clinics for Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctors in Spain?

    Here’s a list of top 1 Clinics for Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) in Spain compiled by ClinicsonCall Specialists:
    • Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid

    What are the consultation charges for Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctors in Spain?

    The consultation charges for Adrenalectomy (Removal of Adrenal Gland) Doctors in Spain are $ 351-$ 351.