Best Colonoscopy doctors in Spain

Dr. Teresa Acuña Gutierrez

Clinic Clinica Rotger Quirónsalud Specializations: Oncology
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy
1 review
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Consultation Price upon request

Reviews of Doctors Performing Colonoscopy in Spain

Review for Teresa Acuña Gutierrez
Radiotherapy | Clinica Rotger Quirónsalud

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Spain:
My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, and we took her to Clinica Rotger on recommendations of Clinics on Call coordinators. The coordinators at Clinics on Call helped us previously, so we were sure of their services. They recommended Dr. Teresa Acuña for treatment. We met her and discussed the problem. She performed a few tests and suggested radiotherapy. She performed five sessions, and my mother’s condition improved a lot. She recovered quickly and is cancer-free. Dr. Teresa Acuña did a wonderful job. The services at Clinica Rotger were also excellent.


How can I get an online consultation with Doctors in Spain?

You can get an online consultation with Doctors Abroad by sending a request on ClinicsonCall’s website. Our Medical Coordinators will get back to you and discuss your medical query. Next you will have to share your medical documents and pay the consultation fee (which varies depending on the doctor’s specialty, expertise and country). The schedule for your appointment will then be shared with you.

Who are the top Colonoscopy Doctors in Spain?

ClinicsonCall Specialists have ranked the top 1 Colonoscopy Doctors in Spain based on their expertise, treatment success rates and patient testimonials. Here’s a list of the top 1 Doctors Abroad:
  • Dr. Teresa Acuña Gutierrez

What are the factors that I should consider before selecting a Colonoscopy Doctor in Spain?

There are many factors that can help you in deciding which doctor is best for you. Here’s a list of the most common factors that you should consider before finalizing your decision:
  • Experience of the doctor
  • Fluency in languages
  • Treatment success rate
  • Educational Background
  • Professional Career
  • Treatment Techniques

    Which are the best Clinics for Colonoscopy Doctors in Spain?

    Here’s a list of top 1 Clinics for Colonoscopy in Spain compiled by ClinicsonCall Specialists:
    • Clinica Rotger Quirónsalud

    What are the consultation charges for Colonoscopy Doctors in Spain?

    The consultation charges for Colonoscopy Doctors in Spain are Price upon request-.