Best Target Therapy Doctors in Spain

Dr. Lucía Ceniceros Paredes

Clinic Clínica Universidad de Navarra Specializations: Oncology
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Lucía Ceniceros Paredes is an internationally recognized professional in the fields of Oncology, Gastroenterology, and Digestive Oncology. She is actively involved in research work. Her research is aimed at studying therapeutic procedures like neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiation therapy targeted and immunotherapy, and biological therapies. She has participated in around 20 clinical trials. In her scientific pursuits, she tries to develop the most optimal ways to prevent and treat pathologies of the abdomen organs and systems, as well as to improve the accuracy of methods for diagnosing diseases.

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Consultation $ 350

Dr. Joan Carles Galceran

Clinic Quironsalud Teknon Medical Center Specializations: Oncology Experience: 30 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy
1 review

Dr. Joan Carles Galceran is a medical oncologist who has been fulfilling his duties for more than 30 years now. He is currently serving at Vall'd Hebron University Hospital as the Chief of ‘central nervous system, genitourinary, sarcoma, and tumors of unspecified origin' division.

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Consultation Price upon request

Dr. Joan Albanell Mestres

Clinic HM Delfos Hospital Specializations: Oncology Experience: 28 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Joan Albanell Mestres is one of the recognized and most experienced oncologists in Spain. Not just regionally but he is also recognized on an international level for his successful breast cancer treatment.

He is the head of the breast cancer program at HM Delfos clinic. He has immense contributions in the field of medicine through his extensive research about different cancer-related therapies and clinical trials. He has a specific interest in hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and the use of different drugs to examine their effect on breast cancer patients.

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Consultation Price upon request

Dr. Javier Cortes Castan

Clinic Hospital Ruber Internacional Specializations: Oncology Experience: 20 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Javier Cortes Castan is an oncologist with expertise in breast malignancy and gynecological tumors specifically. His main area of interest is in research with the aim of curing the majority of breast cancer sufferers in the next few years. He is a top specialist in two of Spain's most prestigious hospitals. His credentials and other accomplishments are described further down.

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Consultation $ 352

Dr. Blanca Lopez Ibor

Clinic HM Madrid Hospital Specializations: Oncology, Hematology Oncology Experience: 35 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Blanca Lopez Ibor is a specialist in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology from the University of Maryland (United States). She is an expert in treating brain tumors, bone tumors, sarcoma, leukemia, and neuroblastoma. With more than two decades of experience, she currently directs the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Unit at the HM Montepríncipe Hospital, which cares for children and adolescents.

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Consultation $ 350

Dr. Miguel Fernández de Sanmamed Gutiérrez

Clinic Clínica Universidad de Navarra Specializations: Oncology Experience: 8 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Miguel Fernandez is a well-known medical oncologist in Spain. He is also a coordinator for clinical trials on immunotherapy of skin tumors.

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Consultation $ 350

Dr. Eduardo Castañón Álvarez

Clinic Clínica Universidad de Navarra Specializations: Oncology Experience: 6 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Eduardo Castañón Álvarez is a specialist of the highest category with extensive experience and uses impeccable clinical practice to conduct appointments. He offers services from the diagnosis of neoplasms to the treatment of oncological lesions of the body. Moreover, he is  ESMO MORA certified doctor and is associated with 10 clinics trials as a leading member and 70 clinical trials as a coordinator. His expertise includes research based on target and immuno therapies.

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Consultation $ 350

Dr. Jesús Corral

Clinic Clínica Universidad de Navarra Specializations: Oncology Experience: 15 years
Rating of Clinics & Doctors is based on the following criteria:
1) Experience of patients who have visited the clinic
2) The rating our patients add for them
3) Response rate of the clinic
4) The price list and inclusive treatment packages
Our ranking algorithm is designed to help you choose wisely with the help our coordinating doctors. More about ranking of clinics you can read here Ranking policy

Dr. Jesús Corral is one of the leading Spanish oncologists, specialists in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He has over 15 years of experience in the treatment of lungs, genitourinary and digestive system cancers. Dr. Jesús Corral collaborates with many leading Spanish institutions.

He is an active member of the biomedical research programs and his main area of interest in the field of research is on chemotherapy in advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer and the gene expression of cancer.

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Consultation Price upon request

Reviews of Doctors Performing Target Therapy in Spain

Review for Blanca Lopez Ibor
Burkitt's Lymphoma | HM Madrid Hospital
Carlos Rodriguez

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Brazil:
I was diagnosed with Burkitt's lymphoma and felt overwhelmed with the treatment options. But when I came across the HM Madrid Hospital in Spain, I felt hopeful. The medical staff, led by Dr. Blanca Lopez Ibor, were highly professional and empathetic, explaining each step of the treatment plan in detail. The clinic has a state-of-the-art facility with the latest medical equipment and technology, and the nursing staff provided exceptional care during my stay. I highly recommend this clinic to anyone seeking treatment for Burkitt's lymphoma.
Review for Lucía Ceniceros Paredes
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Tessa Mia

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, Turkey :
I went to the University Hospital of Navarra to get arterial embolization done. It was performed by Dr. Lucia Seniceros Paredes, and I got satisfying results. 
Review for Miguel Fernández de Sanmamed Gutiérrez
Pressurised Intra-Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) | Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Denis Turan

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, France :
I visited the University Hospital of Navarra to get Pressurised Intra-Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) done. It was performed by Dr. Miguel Fernandez. And I got satisfying results. 
Review for Jesús Corral
Lutetium-177 | Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Rahul Singh

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Russia :
I highly recommend Dr. Jesus Corral from the University Hospital of Navarra. He treated my prostate cancer with lutetium-177, and I made a fast recovery. 
Review for Miguel Fernández de Sanmamed Gutiérrez
Hemicolectomy | Clínica Universidad de Navarra

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Italy :
I must say Dr. Miguel Fernandez from the University Hospital of Navarra is an expert oncologist. He conducted my hemicolectomy surgery and I got satisfying results.   
Review for Javier Cortes Castan
Brachytherapy | Hospital Ruber Internacional
Marcus Argent 

The patient review has been verified Patients Reviews Policy

, Italy :
I visited Ruber International Hospital to get brachytherapy done for prostate cancer. It was successfully performed by Dr. Javier Cortes Castan, and I made a quick recovery. 


How can I get an online consultation with Doctors in Spain?

You can get an online consultation with Doctors Abroad by sending a request on ClinicsonCall’s website. Our Medical Coordinators will get back to you and discuss your medical query. Next you will have to share your medical documents and pay the consultation fee (which varies depending on the doctor’s specialty, expertise and country). The schedule for your appointment will then be shared with you.

Who are the top Target Therapy Doctors in Spain?

ClinicsonCall Specialists have ranked the top 5 Target Therapy Doctors in Spain based on their expertise, treatment success rates and patient testimonials. Here’s a list of the top 5 Doctors Abroad:
  • Dr. Lucía Ceniceros Paredes
  • Dr. Joan Carles Galceran
  • Dr. Joan Albanell Mestres
  • Dr. Javier Cortes Castan
  • Dr. Blanca Lopez Ibor

What are the factors that I should consider before selecting a Target Therapy Doctor in Spain?

There are many factors that can help you in deciding which doctor is best for you. Here’s a list of the most common factors that you should consider before finalizing your decision:
  • Experience of the doctor
  • Fluency in languages
  • Treatment success rate
  • Educational Background
  • Professional Career
  • Treatment Techniques

    Which are the best Clinics for Target Therapy Doctors in Spain?

    Here’s a list of top 5 Clinics for Target Therapy in Spain compiled by ClinicsonCall Specialists:
    • Clínica Universidad de Navarra
    • Quironsalud Teknon Medical Center
    • HM Delfos Hospital
    • Hospital Ruber Internacional
    • HM Madrid Hospital

    What are the consultation charges for Target Therapy Doctors in Spain?

    The consultation charges for Target Therapy Doctors in Spain are $ 350-$ 352.